Happy Tuesday everyone :)
Hope you all had a fun weekend with your family and friends.
I have another set of products for the Tuesday Specials for PBP & GP
50% OFF Personal/S4H & CU products
Daily Dose Of Love
available at Pickleberrypop & Gottapixel
CU Doodle Tweet Mix
available at Pickleberrypop & Gottapixel

Last Friday I got I chance to cover the photoshoot for the birthday celebration of a 7 years old boy. Her mommy requested me to help her capture the big event. The theme is transformers, I love taking photos of party details, the festive colors and the fun feelings of the venue.
Here are some of the shots. :)

Updates on me.....I'll be releasing another collection on 2nd week of February, watch out for it :)
I'm also starting with my next kit/collection for this month...and hoping to make some new CU products...I missed making doodles and patterned overlays :)
I'm planning to make my Facebook Fan Page more active this year.
I'll be giving away an exclusive freebie soon.
Have a great day :)