Celebrate with me...I want to share a little mini kit. "Happiness" (click this link)
And I would love to see your layouts using this kit.
Comments and messages about the new blog and the mini kit will highly appreciated.
This blog will be full of surprises...who knows you might win bragbooks, quickpages and even kits from my collections.
Thanks for visiting!
wow sis sarap sa mata ng blog mo. :) thank you sa freebie. add ko sya sa freebie alert ko ha. http://lemonandmint.wordpress.com/freebie-alert-this-week0526-312008/
Thanks very much for the freebie! Love the blue and esp the labels on the side. Very nice change :)
Thanks so much for the "happiness" freebie. Love the colors! Your blog looks great.
Thank you so much! I love this and can't wait to use it!
Love the new blog look! I'm a big fan of blue (and green) and legibility as well :-). Nice going!
Thanks for sharing and making MY day with this great freebie!! In fact...I thank you for all those who did not and should have. :)
Because I think you are super special, I gave you some...♥"Link Love"♥...today on my blog. Have a GREAT Day!!
Suzee Q's Stuff
Thank you so much for the freebie. I grabbed it much later than the others and would like to share what I made with it. I made a layout using the freebie and it's posted in my blog. Thanks again :)
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