the next spot on the blog train is Wendy Page
*please remember everyone is on different time zones and all posts will be posted soon*
Have fun and experience the warmth of friendship!
Just want to share a simple freebie gift, it's my sketch template 09. I hope you all like it. Feel free to e-mail me the link of your layout using this template.
We will be having our family vacation...yey!
Merry Christmas to all!
wow! these things will really help me to improve my designing. Thanks to my loving husband!
credits - Funky Christmas elements by Redju & TWAS Elements by Kristin Aagard
We prepared some gifts for the Christmas party of my daughter for her classmates. They really had fun with their Christmas party
Have fun and happy hunting!
You're my Angel
Mother's Love
You are my angel layout by Miranda
True Love layout by Sory
Bo-Faith layout by Gwacie
Hope layout by Gwacie
layout by Natalie
Little Angel layout by Heather
Taylor layout by Heather
Thank you again ladies!
Special Gift
password protected : UrMyAngel (click this link or the freebie image)
Thanks for visiting my blog! A little message will brighten my day!
Little Miss
Thanks again Kristin!
I had a busy day...my sister and I wrapped some gifts prizes and giveaway gifts for our daughter's Christmas party at school this coming Dec. 16, 2008
There will be lots of fun that day...they even have an exchange gift. My daughter is very excited for their party. First time party at school...have to ready my camera.
Don't forget my newest kit...I'm about to release it.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
It's a very simple sketch template but you can make it something more special.Feel free to post your page links at the comment.
Happy Scrapping and thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks a lot sis Gwacie!
I'm sharing this friendship award to Yvelle and gmemoirs
Thanks for visiting!
Available at Scrapable, Scrapladies & Scrappindigikreations
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Have fun & thanks for visiting my blog!
My Products are still 30% OFF till Nov. 30, 2008
Christmas Doodles and Wordarts
Available at Digital Candy
Some ideas on how you'll be more creative using these doodles. You can apply your favorites styles, textured background or actions
Thanks for visiting my blog!