I have mini kit, bragbooks, quickpages, bits & pieces & sketch templates on sale.

New kit sneak peek
I've been inspired with the colors of this kit, bonus gift included in this new product.

Want to win a copy of this new kit?
Just post a comment here or share your favorite quotes for mother's day :)
I'll be picking one (1) lucky winner :)
Watch out for my new commercial use products too.
Have a great day everyone :)
I love this quote:
Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. ~William Makepeace Thackeray
Thanks for the chance to win.
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The first post is mine.
hmmm... "honor your father and mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12. and although i have failed to honor my parents, i am so thankful for Jesus who died for all my dishonoring and who rose again to justify me! what a great truth to meditate on just before Easter arrives! =)
Thanks for the chance to win, Lorie!
Mothers -- God's hands on earth.
Have a blessed day - it is a choice - Arlene
"A mother's work is never done"
(LOL that's how I feel anyway!) Beautiful preview1 Thanks for the chance to win! :)
To be a mother is a woman's greatest vocation in life. She is a partner with God. No being has a position of such power and influence. She holds in her hands the destiny of nations, for to her comes the responsibility and opportunity of molding the nation's citizens.-Spencer W. Kimball
kinda long, but very true!!
I love this adage about Moms...
"The best dreams are the dreams you have for someone else".
hank you very much for the RAK
and my quote is:
A mother is like a rose that never fades
If Mama's not happy
No one's happy
Thanks for the chance!
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