Tea Party Collaboration Kit created by LorieM Designs & Dawn Inskip. available at Pickleberrypop and Gottapixel. 20% OFF till April 3, 2011
Included in the collaboration kit, the elements, add on (limited time only), alpha & papers

Tea Party Bragbook Collection, available at Pickleberrypop & Gottapixel. (Papers & elements used in the bragbooks comes from my part only). 6 pcs. 5 x 7 bragbooks plus bonus front and back cover. The bragbook set is 30% OFF till April 5

Tea Party Wordart Collection, available at Pickleberrypop & Gottapixel. The wordarts is 30% OFF till April 5, 2011


Birthday Girl

by Gwacie

Special Day

by Gelen

Special Friends

by Joy

by Gelen

Thanks a lot to all of my very supportive and creative layout artists. Thank you ladies :)

Because me and my daughter celebrated our birthdays in the same month here's a little surprise to all of my customers....the first (10) customers who will purchase the collaboration kit will receive the Tea Party Wordart Collection for FREE. I will personally e-mail the 10 customers a coupon for the wordarts. Hurry! Hurry!