"Love on a Mother and Daughter Share"
This is love only a mother and daughter share. Since I felt you growing inside me ,
I knew we'd become a pair. This is a special bond that belongs to only you and I.
This is all I would ever need to get by. I hope you know, I hope you understand.
I will always protect you, Take my hand. I would gladly lay down my life,
to keep you from any pain or strife. Through the coming years, You will probably
shed some tears. Just remeber I am right by your side. Together, we will make
your pain and fears hide. I wish you a life full of hapiness. And each night I
ask God-my child, will you bless?
Yes, this is a love only a mother and daughter share. From now til eternity we
will always be a pair.

Fancy Hearts Club by lliella
stitch by natali
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