Saturday, April 4, 2015

Newsletter Subscriber's Freebie

Hi to everyone :)

Firstly, I want to say thanks to the new subscribers of my newsletter.
I'm currently sending the download link of the  
"Blue Jeans and Butterflies" mini kit thru e-mail manually.
To new subscribers and already a subscriber, please allow 2 to 3 days for me to complete the process of sending.

Also, if you're a new subscriber please confirm the subscription because my e-mail just bounced back if you're still unverified. If I missed someone, you can send me a direct e-mail to request the freebie.

In my first post with my newsletter freebie, 
there's no direct download link for the mini kit.

Lastly, I really appreciated all the thank you messages you've sent me, 
from those who already received the mini kit. 
I will surely make another one soon.


Have a great day