Wednesday, May 11, 2011

4 New Products Sneak Peek, iNSD Winners & a FREEBIE

Good morning ladies :)
As I promised yesterday, here are the winners (2) of the $5.00 iNSD coupon. I'll be sending an e-mail to the winners.

And one lucky winner of $5.00 for my CU products.

Also, here's the sneak peek of my 4 new products available on May 14, 2011.

Don't forget the lovely bragbook freebie, it's a late Mother's Day gift for all the wonderful Moms/Mums visiting my blog. :)

I never had a chance to make a simple gift for Mother's Day because of my busy schedule, here's a simple bragbook freebie from Cherish Kit. Available at PBP & GP

Cherish Bragbook Freebie

download here

I'll be working with a new set of CU doodles and will be planning with a new kit :) Let's play another BLOG RAK...just post here and suggest a theme kit & have a chance to win $5.00 coupon.


  1. BEAUTIFUL QP!!!!!!!!!! THANX from Sweden and NETTIS

  2. hmmm... the theme that came to my mind is a kit about serving others, giving, being generous, doing kind things, helping those in need... =)

  3. WOW! Thank you for me being the winner of the CU coupon!!! It's the one I really wanted! Thank you, thank you, thank you! For a theme, I like what Cheryl said, or something along the lines of church--spirtuality, or veggie gardening.

  4. how about something to do with the end of the school year! they always have field day


  5. Sneak peek looks awesome Lorie :)

    A theme? What about something masculine, tough? (I don't mean something for little boys)I'd love to see that.

    Great chance! xoxo Suzan
