Thankful Life Mini Kit
Yey! It's my special day. One way of sharing my blessings is to give you all this wonderful freebies. And if you like mini kit challenge just read my Ads below, everybody can join for fun. Happy Scrapping to all!
( Thanks for the expired)
Total downloads = 1052
Comments/message = 153
Thanks a lot! I'll post the names of those who greeted me.
Thankful Life Mini Kit by LorieM
Ribbon & notepaper by ksharonk
Thanks for the birthday greetings!
Jen, Jessica, Verabear, Lemonandmint, Loves, Lexi, Cynthia, Heike, Babs, mynameisLina, pebbles7195, Lynn, Aska, rose, Cupcake, Nancy, sue-Texas, adrianmichael, Sallie, fool on the hill, pansynana, cheryl B., snj, Lyn, ab, Dana, Paula, Beckie, Shirley, fc, vangie, michi, jessica, b, MissSofie & dodo
Happy Birthday!!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you so much for lovely gift!
Happy Birthday!! Many thanks for sharing such a beautiful kit with us! :o)
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy Birthday. Hope you have had a glorious day.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Thanks for the gift.
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Birthday!!!! Hope your day is full of wonderful things.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to you! Thank you, greatly, for sharing a super treat on your super day!
ReplyDeleteAgain, happy birthday and thank you for the gift. :) Is there a deadline for the challenge?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! Thanks so much for giving us a birthday gift, and hope you'll be receiving some lovely ones on your special day :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the gorgeous kit! Happy Birthday! I made a layout with it and will be sending a link to my gallery soon!